Kathryn Walkden | Funeral Celebrant


Celebrant Services Offered

Ceremony Script Writing

Funeral Ceremonies




member of UK Society of Celebrants

the celebrant charter logo


Contact information

07415 885 167

Kathryn Wlkden Funeral celebrant on Facebook


Funeral Celebrant in Greater Manchester

My name is Kathryn and I am a Funeral Celebrant in Greater Manchester.

I'm a Mancunian lady with a down to earth and honest approach to everything in life. I was raised in a working class family, with my Mum and Dad, Beryl and Pat Walsh and my 4 older siblings. Mum was a Childminder and my Dad was the local Funeral Director.

I've been married to John for 14 years, together for 20 and we have two daughters, Ellie and Eve.

I'm a great lover of animals; having 2 dogs and 2 cats (I'd have a house full if I could). I'm at my happiest when spending time with my Husband and girls and my very large extended family and close friends.

I started my working career in clerical work for financial advisors in the city centre. It was after I had my first daughter that I began to question what I really wanted to do. I felt I wanted to help people and so, after 4 years of trying to get into the funeral industry, as job openings were so scarce back then, I was very fortunate to join my Dad.

My first role was as a Funeral Arranger and I was in my element as it was more fulfilling than I ever imagined. It wasn't long before I was asked to direct a funeral I had arranged and so I was promoted to Funeral Director. Later, my Dad was due to retire and I was asked to take over his role as Manager.

Over the years, as my role and responsibilities grew, it took me away from what I enjoyed the most and that was the one to one contact with the bereaved. Eventually, after 20 years, I felt I wanted to get back to what I do best, to help families when they are at the lowest and hardest point in their life. And so, I changed my career path and qualified as a Funeral Celebrant.

In my role as a Celebrant, I believe every life has a story, regardless of which path their life has taken. My sole aim is to share that story in a way that truly reflects the person and to give the family and friends a sense that they have honoured their loved one's memory.

With my experience I can support and guide you, build a relationship and together we can create a ceremony that fits all your needs and help you to write the final chapter of the story.



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