I love being a family celebrant. It’s the best career move I have made in recent times, and I often think back to the day that started it all.
Author: Admin
Meg Stanier | Wedding Celebrant
. My name is Meg Stanier, I am a Wedding and Family celebrant based in County Durham in the North east of England.
Ellie Palma-Cass | Funeral Celebrant
Hi, I’m Ellie – a Funeral Celebrant in the North West, and I put your family at the heart of the beautiful and individual ceremonies I create.
Wedding Ceremony Elements | Jumping the Broom
One of the older wedding ritual traditions is that of jumping the broom which can easily be included in any wedding ceremony.
Wedding Ceremony Elements | The Wedding Ring Courier
Wedding Celebrants are gaining somewhat of a reputation for introducing “special elements” to their clients wedding ceremonies. One such element, gaining in popularity, is using “birds of prey” to be the ring bearers. Sounds fantastic, does it not? Maybe – but beware – you must choose your falconers / handlers / service providers with care. Read more…
Ian Tucker-Bell | Wedding and Funeral Celebrant
Hi, I’m Ian – a Family, Wedding, and Funeral Celebrant in the North West of kent, and I put you at the heart of the beautiful and individual ceremonies I create.
Cathy Phillips | Wedding and Funeral Celebrant
My name is Cathy and I have chosen the name “The Storyteller Celebrant” because it links to me and my personality, skills, and background. My passion in life has always been in stories – reading everything I could access, including fantasy, science fiction, historical novels, biographies, academic, self-help and travel. This passion went alongside a fascination with TV, movies, and the theatre. I am happy to watch shows in any genre, because it is the story and the characters that have always interested and inspired me.
Wedding Ceremony Elements | Step-by Step Guide | Unity Sand Ceremony
Weddings were once rather pre-prescribed affairs and would never include special elements like the Unity Sand Ceremony. In most cases that meant a bride, a groom, an officiant, some witnesses, and vows that were passed down through generations. You could, married or not, probably recite the ceremony by heart.
Gaye Poole | Wedding and Funeral Celebrant
Hi, I’m Gaye – a Family, Wedding and Funeral Celebrant on the Shropshire / Wales Border, My USP is care, collaboration and creativity.
Wedding Law Reform | Wedding Celebrant Advice
As many of you know UKSOC as a member of the executive and current Chair of the WCC (Wedding Celebrancy Commission) have been working closely on your behalf with the Law Commission to positively effect Wedding Law Reform. The WCC has done all it can do for now, however, this is where you come in. If you support the proposed reform you too can help effect change. How?