What’s the difference between a Celebrant and a Registrar?

One of the most common questions a celebrant gets asked by brides-to-be and potential clients is: what is the difference between a celebrant and a registrar? It’s a common question because people are often bound by tradition, and for years the way of getting married has been to either do it in a church or Read more…

When is the best time for a Naming Ceremony?

According to a 2018 survey, religiosity in the UK is on the decline, with 52% of the public now saying they do not belong to any religion, a rise from 31% in 1983. As a result, naming ceremonies are becoming a popular way to welcome a new child into the world, working as a replacement Read more…

Green Funerals Pros and Cons | Part 3: Natural Burial Grounds

Part 1 is here. Part 2 is here. In a world where our personal environmental impact is high on the agenda, green funerals may be something that you are considering for yourself or for a family member. Even if you’re not, chances are you’ve at least heard of a green funeral – perhaps you’ve heard Read more…

Green Funerals Pros and Cons | Part 1: Embalming

In a world where our personal environmental impact is high on the agenda, a green funeral may be something that you are considering for yourself or for a family member. Even if you’re not, chances are you’ve at least heard of a green funeral – perhaps you’ve heard them referred to as ‘natural burials’ or Read more…

Why a Renewal of Vows is a Perfect Idea Next Year

2020 has been a turbulent year, for one major reason – COVID-19. Every business has been affected in some way or another, mainly negatively with few exceptions, and the wedding industry is one which has been devastated by the restrictions imposed on social gatherings. As a result, couple after couple have chosen to postpone, delay, Read more…

Why Micro-Weddings Could Be The Future

With all the chaos and madness going on at the moment thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic, micro-weddings have almost been forced onto couples who would have otherwise had a big blowout party with a hundred or more guests. However, while this has not been a satisfactory outcome for some, others have enjoyed the intimacy of Read more…

Outdoor Weddings – What Do You Need to Consider? (Part 2 of 2)

Part 1 is here. With the news that people may able to have legal outdoor weddings in the not-so-distant future, the concept of an outdoor wedding is one which is starting to come to the forefront of couples’ minds when they start thinking about when, where, and how they want to get married. However, outdoor Read more…

Outdoor Weddings – What Do You Need to Consider? (Part 1 of 2)

With the news that people may able to have legal outdoor weddings in the not-so-distant future, the concept of an outdoor wedding is one which is starting to come to the forefront of couples’ minds when they start thinking about when, where, and how they want to get married. However, outdoor weddings are subject to Read more…