Funeral Celebrant | How Much Does a Funeral Cost?

How much does a funeral cost? More than one Piggy Bank required! These days a typical funeral using a funeral director costs around £3,800. However, you can pay much more or less than this, depending on how you want to remember the person who‚’s died, what you can organise yourself and how much you can Read more…

The Funeral Celebrant l UK Natural Burial Ground Directory

Many of our Funeral Celebrant Members have been asking for a list of Natural Burial Grounds around the UK. What follows is by no means a definitive list , but thanks to the Association of Natural Burial Grounds there follows a list of their Members and Non-Members. Each Burial Ground has a live link which Read more…

Funeral Celebrant Guide | Part 3 | Open Air Pyres

History & Politics In 1883 when Welshman Dr William Price (above) healer, druid and naturist, fathered a child withhis housekeeper, nearly sixty years his junior, nobody was surprised. He had alreadyformed a reputation as a flamboyant eccentric, endorsing free love and vegetarinisim andrefusing to treat those who smoked. Often seen stalking the hillsides naked in Read more…

Funeral Celebrant Guide | Part 2 | Keeping Funeral Costs Down

Help with costs The cost of a funeral has risen dramatically in recent years. If you or your partner are on a low income and receiving any of the following benefits you may be eligible for a Funeral Payment from the Social Fund: Income Support Income based Job Seekers Allowance Income related Employment and Support Read more…

Funeral Celebrant Guide | Part 1 | Common Funeral Myths

“Funerals have always been about what humans do rather than about what they buy when someone they love dies.” From ‘The Good Funeral: Death, Grief and the Community of Care’ by Thomas G. Long and Thomas Lynch   Our Funeral Celebrant Members often speak with members of the public who have been misled by ill Read more…

Funeral Celebrant | What Will You Actually Do When Someone Dies?

We wouldn‚’t wait until our annual holiday begins and approach a travel agent saying, ‚”I have to go on holiday today, where am I supposed to go?‚” But that‚’s very much the way we organise and purchase a funeral when the time comes. People have always hadritualsaround death, in verydiverse ways.The traditional funeral as we Read more…

Train to be a Civil Celebrant | Fees

So, if you are thinking of training to become a civil celebrant, NOW could well be the right time. Whether you are looking to commence training now or before 31 March 2015 you will make considerable savings by booking and paying for your course with the UK Society of Celebrants before 31 December 2015. Why? Read more…

Naming Ceremony Elements | The Naming Ribbon

Unlike those of a theistic nature, Civil Celebrants whilst officiating Naming Ceremonies prefer not to perform “water boarding” or “simulated drowning” rituals on their clients charges. Naming Celebrants have found various methods to endow “names” without the need to resort tothe abhorrent rituals above. One such method goes something like this (pictures to follow) The Read more…

Wedding Ceremony Elements | Ring Warming

If you are looking for an alternative or an addition to Unity Candle / Sand Ceremonies that engage every wedding guest – this could be for you. Prior to the “procession” the wedding celebrant makes that announcement that the “Wedding Ring – Warming Ritual” is to take place and gives appropriate instructions. The wedding celebrant Read more…