Lesley Mary Close | Funeral Celebrant


Celebrant Services Offered

Ceremony Script Writing

Funeral Ceremonies



Contact information

07950 638849

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Creating and delivering bespoke meaningful funeral ceremonies with courtesy, care and compassion is at the heart of everything I do. In contrast to the fixed format of a religious service, the funeral we create for your loved one can include or omit whatever you feel is appropriate.
Together we will design, create and deliver a family-led funeral ceremony for your loved one. It will bring you comfort and honour your loved one’s memory while enabling you to say a memorable goodbye to them.

By working closely you and I will produce a personalised funeral ceremony which both mourns the deceased’s death and celebrates their life. I will make whatever amendments are needed to the final draft of the eulogy before it is delivered as part of the ceremony, either by me or by someone else.

However much of the work you assign to me, you will always be in control of the process of creating a unique, personal and honest funeral and I will give you a copy of the whole ceremony after the event to answer the questions friends and family may ask - 'What was that poem she read?' or 'Which piece of music did you play?'

My wide-ranging life experience enables me to bring a variety of soft- and vocational-skills to the deeply fulfilling role of funeral celebrant: I am a good listener, an accurate note-taker, an accomplished writer, a confident public speaker and a tuneful singer.

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