Gwen Owen | Funeral Celebrant

Celebrant Services Offered

Ceremony Script Writing

Funeral Ceremonies



Contact information

01284 754 932
07979 151509

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My Career Background
My career life has primarily been involved in support of others by way of consultancy, listening and advising. My roles have involved guiding people along a new path but mainly providing them with the tools to structure their own lives. I have successfully managed training centres, working with people of all ages and all abilities, enabling and encouraging them to move forward often into unknown territories. In addition I have facilitated groups of people in a safe counselling environment, again enabling them to move forward and make changes within their lives.

Personal Background
I have experienced the loss of loved ones in my thirties and realise everyone copes with life experiences in many different ways. I understand the need for each person to have the freedom to choose whichever route they desire and respect each individual’s choices.

Life as a Celebrant
The two most important events in our lives are the day we are born and the day we die. For some this period of time is long but for others it’s short. For some it’s exciting and eventful and for others it may be sad and painful. The most important thing is to celebrate the time we have on this wonderful planet and to share these thoughts we our friends and family.

As a Family Celebrant I will be called upon to celebrate the birth of a child, the joining of a couple or the death of a loved one. On each occasion, I will work closely with you to ensure everything you wish to convey is included in this very special ceremony. It is your celebration, I will be there to advise and guide but it will be your day with your choice of the content.

Initially we will meet either at your home or my office, whichever is convenient for you. You will have an opportunity to discuss your thoughts and feelings, your ideas and plans. You may know exactly what you want or may require suggestions from myself. I will be guided by your wishes and work closely with you to ensure the day meets your expectations.
I look forward to meeting with you and discussing your occasion.


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