Celebrant Services Offered
Ceremony Script Writing
Wedding Ceremonies
Vow Renewal Ceremonies
Naming Ceremonies
Life Event Ceremonies
Funeral Celebrant in Dundee
Hi I’m Claire Gardiner your Funeral Celebrant in Dundee. I will put you and your family’s wishes at the heart of your special day.
Welcome to my profile where I tell you a little bit more about me, how I came about being a Funeral Celebrant and what I do.
So let me start at the beginning.
I've enjoyed discovering the balance to life. This means I spend a great deal of time with my loved ones, enjoying my growing list of hobbies including singing and cold-water swimming, and doing the everyday tasks. But I also spend my time taking care of me by enjoying my own company, reading and being by the sea.
I’ve had experience of a range of jobs from hospitality to education and have appreciated the opportunities to interact with a wide variety of people, as well as making positive impacts on their lives and their wellbeing, alongside working in systematic and procedural ways.
I really enjoyed the more creative side of my employment, having worked in dynamic environments along with a variety of intelligent, expressive and creative individuals. I'm lucky to have met amazing role models, mentors and people who I am lucky to call friends.
I think becoming a Celebrant is an evolution and something which finds you throughout your own experience in life, I certainly didn't have funeral celebrant on my ‘what I want to be’ list. However, following on from the pandemic, I found myself assessing my own needs and wants alongside looking at my skills and questioning what I can do to bring myself more fulfilment.
And it was whilst sitting with great friends one day, who were offering their wisdom and advice, who simply said: You'd be an amazing celebrant!
I have attended funerals over the years, and looking back, I felt a more personal experience when attending those headed by a celebrant and knew that I could offer the same for others. So, in 2023, I took the leap and trained to become a celebrant.
This very special and important role is well suited to me for several reasons. Many of the aspects of my previous job roles are all part of being a Celebrant including being a good listener and working in sensitive situations.
Furthermore, it would give me a great deal of personal satisfaction to share the life and journey of those we are saying goodbye to; giving their loved ones a personable and bespoke ceremony to remember them by. I am based in Dundee but offer funeral and celebration of life services all over the Tayside and Angus area and further afield if requested.
As an Independent Funeral Celebrant, I am not restricted or limited in the wording of the ceremony and prayers and hymns can be included if the family so wish. In order for families to receive the exact ceremony they want for their loved one, there can be readings of their favourite poems or paragraphs from books. I can wear specific colours or items of clothing that ties in with the rest of the mourners. I feel it's important, and I always encourage families to be a part of the ceremony, if they so wish.
When the time comes to celebrate the life of your loved one, we will work together. I like to meet with families in person where possible, to discuss their loved one and details of the ceremony, however; if this isn't possible, then we can chat using a variety of options such as phone call, zoom, WhatsApp and so on. I will listen and learn about your loved one’s life; discover their personality and I will ensure you have paid tribute to your loved one through your memories and stories. I will support you in deciding readings, prayers and music and throughout the whole process. All ceremonies are unique and unforgettable, the same as your loved one that we are celebrating.