Lucy Brown | Family & Funeral Celebrant


Celebrant Services Offered

Ceremony Script Writing

Naming Ceremonies

Wedding Ceremonies

Civil Partnership Ceremonies

Renewal of Vows Ceremonies

Funeral Ceremonies



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Life’s rich tapestry weaves us through many journeys of discovery. The people with whom we share these with for eternity or a just brief moment, help shape our lives, our thoughts, our hearts, but each connection, every experience is unique to us.

For the entire duration of my professional career I have worked with people, which has included managing youth and community services, social work, running family support services and developing community care services. Over the last 25 years I have held senior positions in the Charity Sector.

I am the Chief Executive of a Regional Charity that supports people who have experienced catastrophic life changing situations. Helping people rebuild their lives, regaining and developing confidence, skills and abilities and creating opportunities to enable people to reach their potential. I am passionate about the work the Charity does and the contribution I am able to make. My role also involves organising events, public speaking on a variety of subjects to a range of audiences. I have written speeches for and presented to senior members of the Royal family and others. I communicate with people from all walks of life for many reasons on a day to day basis, sharing ideas, hopes, challenges, expectations and creating strategies, both personal and from a business perspective. I have sat on international panels, presented at national, regional and local conferences and seminars.

I have a large and diverse family. Being a mother of five and grandmother to seven, means there is always cause for celebration. I have shared in the joy and love of my children’s unions and partnerships and the sheer elation of welcoming children to their journeys. And as life dictates, have bid farewell to those who depart from our lives but through the sadness, celebrating the impact and memories that they have gifted us.

My core values drive me in all that I do. Authenticity, compassion and kindness, integrity, humour and fun, optimism, respect, courage and justice are some of the values that shape the person I am and the life that I lead.
The following Vincent van Gogh’s saying truly resonates with me…. “Great things are done by a series of small things brought together”.


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