Nicola Hampton | Wedding and Funeral Celebrant

nicola hampton funeral wedding celebrant

nicola hampton funeral wedding celebrant

Celebrant Services Offered

Ceremony Script Writing

Wedding Ceremonies

Vow Renewal Ceremonies

Naming Ceremonies

Life Event Ceremonies

Funeral Ceremonies

Memorial Ceremonies



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Wedding and Funeral Celebrant in Cheshire

Hello, I’m Nicola, your, family, wedding and funeral Celebrant in Cheshire, the Wirral and Liverpool, creating bespoke ceremonies for those important, milestone occasions throughout life.bCelebrancy first became an interest after my Mum died and I was so frustrated with the awful service that was delivered.

If ever I was in a position to change careers this was a road I wanted to go down so I could learn to deliver the kind of ceremony my mum should have been given.

Thankfully, I'm now in that position to be able to deliver that for you.

I've lived on the Wirral all of my life, have a love of hot yoga, cats, my husband (I know he came after the cat), reading and theatre. I also consider myself ridiculously funny and self deprecating.

My favourite place in the world is my bed, there's nothing like it, but I would also be partial to a sunny holiday.

I have strong values in friendship and have respect for loyalty and honesty, I don't let people down.

Often, I can only imagine the pain and grief a family may be experiencing when a loved one dies.

To invite a complete stranger in to your home at one of your most vulnerable moments, to talk about someone very precious, is both huge for you, but an honour for me.

A funeral is a chance for you, family and friends to say goodnight, to have that last chat and speak your final words. But it is also a time for joy, celebration and remembrance. A time for you to give thanks for your loved one's presence in your life.

We will work together, to understand and celebrate the life of your loved one and together we will make sure they get the send off that you are happy with and crucially be what both of you would have wanted.

Whilst I can't promise this will be easy to do, together we can try and make it as bearable, respectful and celebratory as we can.

It's ok to laugh as well as cry, to be angry and lost, but together we will create a ceremony that befits you both but most importantly you won't feel alone during this time.

A bit about me, empathetic, chatty but a good listener, considerate, understanding and reliable.

I'm not particularly religious but I am happy to include any religious content that you would like and that gives you comfort.

Remember it's your ceremony and I will work with you to deliver what you're happy with and what you want.

I can officiate at cremations, natural and traditional burials, internments, scattering of ashes and memorial ceremonies for both adults and children.

Most of all it would be my privilege to help and guide you through this most difficult time.

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Contact information


+44 (0)7834 568 068


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