Here at the UK Society of Celebrants we have THREE Civil Celebrant Training Course options for you to choose from.
- You may be NEW to Celebrancy and want a comprehensive grounding in your chosen discipline be it as A Funeral Celebrant, A Family Celebrant or A Civil Celebrant (Funeral & Family Celebrancy).
- You may already be a Funeral Celebrant or Family Celebrant and wish to add to your portfolio of skills.
- You may already be a Civil Celebrant and wish to further develop your existing skills.
Here are Your THREE Celebrant Course Options with a brief outline of their content and their popularity in terms of what percentage of ALL our Celebrant Training Courses each Option accounts for.
Civil Celebrant Course
Diploma in Family & Funeral Celebrancy
This Course will equip you with all the tools and resources to research, write and officiate at:
Funeral Ceremonies Weddings / Marriages Commitment Ceremonies Renewal of Vows Naming Ceremonies amongst others
Funeral Celebrant Course
Certificate in Funeral Celebrancy
This Course will equip you with all the tools and resources to research, write and officiate at:
Funeral Ceremonies to include: Burials, Cremations, Memorials and Commemorations amongst others
Family Celebrant Course
Certificate in Family Celebrancy
This Course will equip you with all the tools and resources to research, write and officiate at:
Weddings / Marriages, Commitment Ceremonies Renewal of Vows, Naming Ceremonies amongst others