Wedding Ceremony Choices

Wedding Ceremony Choices – Civil Celebrants v Clergy v Registrars You have the power to make it one of the most special days in your life, So why don’t you? Today, around 80% of people planning to marry do so either with a Registrar or an Ordained Clergyperson officiating. Registrars & Clergy What those planning to Read more…

An Insiders Guide to Celebrant Training

Celebrant Training – An Insiders Guide Almost all of us have been to a naming ceremony, wedding ceremony or funeral ceremony officiated by either a registrar or a religious minister. These ceremonies are almost guaranteed to follow a rigid formula and apart from change of names, each type of ceremony is identical to the last, Read more…

Why Secular Ceremonies?

Having attended many Wedding, Naming and Funeral Ceremonies over the years, the realisation dawned,  that all the ceremonies followed pretty much the same formulae. By merely changing the names of all parties concerned, each ceremony could have been for anyone. This fact was suprising as each event should be meaningful, special and personal to the people Read more…

Open Celebrant Training – Wedding Ceremony Options

Don‚’t forget, your client may want to include one of the following in their ceremony. The only additional cost is that of the materials used in the ceremonies. The UK Society of Celebrants will soon be running a series of articles on the Wedding Ceremony Options (below) as part of our “Open Celebrant Training” as Read more…