Sue Edwards | Family & Funeral Celebrant

Thank you so much for taking the time to research & find me. We have obviously been led to find each other & I’m hoping that this will be the start of an inspiring journey for us both.

Funeral Celebrant | Resomation | An overview

UKSOC Tutors and Celebrants at recent visit to Resomation Limited. Resomation: known as water cremation, is the new alternative to flame cremation and burial. Giving people a new choice at the end of life, water cremation is a gentler, environmentally friendly option that allows a natural process using water instead of flames.   End of Read more…

The Funeral Celebrant | Natural Burials | An Overview

Natural Burial in a wild flower meadow Natural Burial Grounds were pioneered in the UK. Natural burial is the interment of the body of a dead person in the soil in a manner that does not inhibit decomposition but allows the body to recycle naturally. It is an alternative to other contemporary Western burial methods. Overview Read more…

The Civil Celebrant | The Civil Circle of Life | Part 4 of 4

Farewells and Funerals A Mourning Flower The Circle of Life will, of course, turn and there will be times when we experience great sadness. When someone we love dies the initial shock and distress can be overwhelming. We are barely able to think or process information but during these most difficult days we are faced Read more…

Become a Civil Celebrant | Have you got what it takes?

Thought of becoming a Civil Celebrant? Becoming a Civil Celebrant is not a career choice for everyone. If you have had experience speaking in public or at least have no reservations with the prospect of speaking in public, this could be a career option for you. If you have access to and you are confident using Read more…

Paul Simpson | Family & Funeral Celebrant

As your funeral celebrant, I promise to serve you with sensitivity and professionalism; and respect your unique beliefs, values, and cultural background; to provide you with a personalised ceremony over which you have complete control and final approval. Together, we will create a ceremony that celebrates your loved one’s life.

The Civil Celebrant | The Civil Circle of Life | Part 3 of 4

Milestones Renewal of Vows The same dilemmas are faced by couples who manage to reach milestone anniversaries. The current C of E ‚”Thanksgiving for A Marriage‚” ceremony begins with a formal prayer – if the couple are not regular church goers they may feel a little uncomfortable celebrating the longevity of their union in such Read more…

My End of Life Doula Journey | Doula Training

I left nursing in a hospital over 30 years ago to work for a forward thinking agency who provided support for those who wished to be cared for and die at home. Little did I know at the time the impact that decision would have on the rest of my working life. My nurse training Read more…

The Civil Celebrant | The Civil Circle of Life | Part 2 of 4

Choices? Make them personal!   A Superhero Themed Wedding – Why Not? More and more members of our society now live a secular life. Separated, disconnected and, most importantly, without a desire or need for religion and therefore, do not want to include it in the key moments of their life. It also has to Read more…

The Civil Celebrant | The Civil Circle of Life | Part 1 of 4

Circle of Life Part One – Challenging Tradition Our lives and the world we live them in change everyday. Some of these changes happen so fast we hardly notice them until they have crept right up on us and suddenly, when we take a moment to look around, we find theses changes sitting, centre stage, Read more…