Funeral Celebrant | What Will You Actually Do When Someone Dies?

We wouldn‚’t wait until our annual holiday begins and approach a travel agent saying, ‚”I have to go on holiday today, where am I supposed to go?‚” But that‚’s very much the way we organise and purchase a funeral when the time comes. People have always hadritualsaround death, in verydiverse ways.The traditional funeral as we Read more…

Funeral Celebrant | Arranging a Civil Funeral

A Civil Funeral is a funeral steered by the life, wishes and values of the deceased and their family, not by the beliefs or ideology of the person conducting the funeral. When a loved one dies, it is always a very painful and stressful time and there are, inevitably, decisions to be taken about the Read more…

Civil Celebrant Training | Open Days?

It has come to our attention that certain civil celebrant training providers are holding one-off / special “open days”. Whoo…hooo! Perversely, these providers are charging attendees for the privilege and promising them a discount of the same amount off any course they might take……………… apologies, we just had to pick ourselves up of the floor! Read more…

Funeral Celebrants | Green Funerals? The Future is here Today!

As a Funeral Celebrant I have noticed that over recent years “Green Funerals” are becoming ever more popular. Why? The answer is staring us in the face. People that know me, if asked, could attribute many adjectives with regard to my personality. I very much doubt that “green” or “environmentalist” or “eco-friendly” would be amongst Read more…

Want to be a Funeral Celebrant? Look before you leap!

As Funeral Celebrants a “cairn” may be viewed as an ideal metaphor for the work that they do… building a funeral ceremony, piece by piece (stone by stone) of the life lived by the person that has died. These pieces are then assembled in a manner that will pay a fitting tribute / life celebrantion Read more…

Funeral Celebrants | Carry the coffin, it‚’ll help you carry on

Carry the coffin, it‚’ll help you carry on : I think one of the most important aspects of the coffin is that it can be carried. And I think we‚’re meant to carry each other, and I think carrying someone you love, committing them, is very important for us that we deal with death….

Funeral Celebrants | Arranging a Funeral / Wedding – Save ¬£000’s

Having recently read “R.I.P Off!: Or The British Way of Death” by Ken West, one may be able togleanwhy! A recent consumer report warned us all that dying now costs ¬£7,300+. Apparently shuffling off your mortal coil is a very expensive thing to do. The various costs ranging from funeral flowers to cremation have risen Read more…

Funeral Planning (Part 1)

Creating A Funeral Ceremony If you want a religious funeral ceremony, you will want to put yourself in the hands of your faith leader and negotiate. A religious ceremony normally has a format, a liturgy, which you will be able to personalise only to a certain extent. Starting with a clean sheet If you do Read more…