Choosing readings for a wedding ceremony is a tough thing to get right. You want something that clearly expresses how you feel, but at the same time you‚’d prefer to avoid the popular pieces that appear at every single wedding.
A great site for couples looking for readings that are less well-worn is ‚ÄòOffbeat Bride‚’. It‚’s a site that tries to, in its own words, ‚Äòaltar your thinking‚’ by offering some different options for all manner of wedding-related things.
Here‚’s a link to their page that deals specifically with readings you may not have heard of, but that may be just right for your ceremony:
As Members of the UK Society of Celebrants we have an archive of potential readings for wedding, partnership and naming ceremonies for you to peruse. Contact us today to talk about your ceremony, off-beat or not.If you are interested in becoming a wedding celebrant have a lookhere.